Complete Dentures
A Removable appliance is used when all teeth within a jaw have been removed or lost. The appliance is exclusively held by the remaining tissue along the jaw.
After a denture is produced and worn for 1-2 weeks, some discomfort may occur. This could be a number of various reasons. We offer unlimited appointments to adjust the current appliance. We want to ensure every patient leaves with a smile.
Over time, much like your body, the tissue within your mouth will change. By replacing the bottom layer of your denture, which surrounds the tissue, will ensure to mimic any new changes.
Partial Dentures
A removable appliance is used when one or more teeth within a jaw have been removed or lost. Unlike a “Complete”, a Partial Denture uses the remaining teeth to fasten the appliance.
Life can sometimes be crazy. Whether it be a crack, split, or a lost tooth, we are dedicated to ensuring your denture looks good as new. We consider all your repairs a high priority, so rest assured knowing that we will move all your needs to the top of our list.
Tooth Additions
Tooth additions occur when a patient already has an existing Partial Denture. Either they are required to remove or have lost one or more of their remaining teeth. The denturist will then add a single tooth, or more onto the existing appliance.